Tag Archives: Easter

The View from the Artist’s Garret (Weekly Photo Challenge: On Top)


Good Evening:

From now until at least the end of September, you can count on Golden Gate Park hosting something, anything, many things on the weekends. Today is both Easter throughout the world and 420 Day in North America, so the park hosted a huge number of celebrations of both events, including everything from small family picnic gatherings to big concerts. Some folks managed to combine both.

At the end of the day, people had to walk home from Easter and/or our biggest cannabis holiday. That meant walking down Haight Street, which means walking past my home.

A genuine, honest-to-God Artist’s Garret on top of an Edwardian, on top of the street.

Bicyclist Heading Home, 20 April 2014

Bicyclist Heading Home, 20 April 2014

420 Celebrants Heading Home, 20 April 2014

420 Celebrants Heading Home, 20 April 2014

It does give one a new perspective.

One thing that does mildly irritate me about outsiders’ perceptions of San Francisco is the common mis-perception that we are all a bunch of wild-eyed church-burning atheists. To mis-quote the late great Herb Caen, fercrynoutloud. I mean, come on, folks, look at my city’s name. That’s Spanish for Saint Francis. Thanks to the large populations of people with Irish and/or Italian and/or Hispanic ancestry, San Francisco has a large Catholic population. Oddly, people don’t notice.

Microbrews and American Spirits, 20 April 2014

Microbrews and American Spirits, 20 April 2014

These two are Irish sisters who live in different apartments in my Edwardian (one moved to the US many years before the other). They made up the third (I think) group of partiers on our front steps today. Twas a grand day indeed of warm weather and clear skies, and I look forward to a fun time in my town this summer.

Vonn Scott Bair