Daily Archives: September 2, 2012

Free Spirit: Birds


Good Evening:

I wonder about that old saying in the English language: “as free as a bird.” Have you wondered about it? Do birds actually feel free? Perhaps what they most often feel is hunger. Nonetheless, all of us have looked up into the sky to watch their flight, and practically all of us have wished we had the same ability. For our “Free Spirit” challenge, I have a few pictures of birds to share. I will also look into my archives for pictures of San Francisco’s free spirits and hope to find something worth sharing.

Hawk Screeching Overhead, Idaho Falls, Idaho 2008

This hawk hated my guts. Every evening during the Magic Hour, I explored the area near Pioneer Road in Idaho Falls. Every evening, this bird would take flight and scream at me. Territorial, I suppose.

Brown Pelican Flying Overhead, Fort Mason, San Francisco

Brown Pelicans Returning to Roost Near Sunset, Ocean Beach, San Francisco

Brown Pelicans are a common and picturesque sight at the San Francisco shores.

Bald Eagle Overlooking the Snake River, Idaho, Square Format

I love experimenting with copies of the original RAW file of this picture, the closest I’ve ever come to a Bald Eagle in the wild. After following the photoblog of fellow Presser Robert Hopps (treborhopps.wordpress.com), I thought a few crops using a square format might produce some decent results. Here’s one example. Until next time.

Vonn Scott Bair